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Leapcell uses an API key for authentication. You can click on the profile picture in the top right corner of the platform to access the account page.

Click "Generate API Key" to obtain your API key. Please note that the API key will only be displayed once, so be sure to copy it promptly.


The API key represents your personal identity. Do not share it online, and avoid hardcoding it into your code. Instead, store it in environment variables to prevent others from potentially misusing your budget. If you suspect your API key has been compromised, delete it immediately.

Inject API Token

As Leapcell Services extensively use API tokens, we provide a convenient method for the platform to inject rotating API tokens. You can directly use it.

It will be injected into the environment variable, and you can retrieve it using LEAPCELL_API_KEY.

Simply check the "Inject API Key" option during deployment or when using templates.


If you are deploying code that you didn't write but fetched from GitHub, be cautious and ensure that the code doesn't contain malicious actions, such as uploading your API key to GitHub.