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JavaScript Client


The SDK supports both JavaScript and TypeScript, and you can install it using npm.

npm install @leapcell/leapcell-js@latest


Leapcell uses an API Token to access the Leapcell API. You can learn more about the API Token here.

Quick Start

import { Leapcell } from "@leapcell/leapcell-js";

// Init client with token from env
const client = new Leapcell({
apiKey: process.env.LEAPCELL_API_KEY!,

// Init table instance
// TABLE_ID is your table ID, for example, if your table is, then TABLE_ID is 12345678.
const table = api.project("{{PROJECT_NAME}}").table("{{TABLE_ID}}");

// Create record
const record = await table.records.create({
title: "hello issac",

// Update record
const record = await table.records.updateById({
id: "7ba4d5f1-8c85-4155-8deb-6d7ad88977f3",
data: { title: "hello issac again" },

// Get record by id
const record = await table.records.findById(

// Delete record by id
const record = await table.records.deleteById(

// Get all records
const records = await table.records.findMany({});

// Search records, like a search engine
const records = await{
query: "why leapcell",

// Get records if the title is "hello."
const records = await table.records.findMany({
where: {
title: {
eq: "leapcell",

// Get records with sorting
const records2 = await table.records.findMany({
where: {
name: {
eq: "leapcell",
orderBy: {
name: "asc",

// Update records
const records = await table.records.updateMany({
where: {
name: {
eq: "issac",
data: {
category: "blog",

// Delete records
const records = await table.records.deleteMany({
where: {
name: {
neq: "issac",

// Bulk create
const records = await table.records.createMany([
name: "Alice",
name: "Bob",

// Count all records
const count = await table.records.count();


Init Client

You can place the API Token in the environment variable or pass it directly.

PROJECT_NAME is your project name, for example, if your project is, then PROJECT_NAME is issac/blog.

TABLE_ID is your table ID, for example, if your table is, then TABLE_ID is 12345678.

The table defaults to using the table name, which is the name you set in the table. If you want to use the table ID, you can set name_type to id.

import { Leapcell } from "@leapcell/leapcell-js";

// Init client with token from env
const client = new Leapcell({
apiKey: process.env.LEAPCELL_API_KEY!,

// Init table instance
const table = api.project("{{PROJECT_NAME}}").table("{{TABLE_ID}}");

// Init table instance with table id
// const table = api.project("{{PROJECT_NAME}}").table("{{TABLE_ID}}", "id");

Get Table Meta Info

// Get table meta info
const meta = await table.meta();

Create Record

Leapcell automatically converts data based on the table's field types. If conversion fails, an exception is thrown.

// Create record
const record = await table.records.create({
title: "hello issac",

Update Record

// Update record
const record = await table.records.updateById({
id: "7ba4d5f1-8c85-4155-8deb-6d7ad88977f3",
data: { title: "hello issac again" },
console.log("records", record);

Get Record By ID

const record = await table.records.findById(
console.log("record", record);

Delete Record By ID

const record = await table.records.deleteById(
console.log("records", record);

Get All Records

const records = await table.records.findMany({});

Get Record By Filter

Leapcell supports various query methods. If you're familiar with Prisma, you'll find the usage quite similar.

Get records if the title is "hello."

const records = await table.records.findMany({
where: {
title: {
eq: "hello",
console.log("records", records);


Get records if the title is "hello" and the category is "tutorial."

const records = await table.records.findMany({
where: {
AND: {
title: {
eq: "hello",
category: {
eq: "tutorial",
console.log("records", records);


Get records if the title is "hello" or the category is "tutorial."

const records = await table.records.findMany({
where: {
OR: {
title: {
eq: "hello",
category: {
eq: "tutorial",
console.log("records", records);

Field Operators

For the supported field operators, you can refer to Field Operators.

The mapping between op and JS operators is as follows:

// op: eq
"title": {
eq: 'hello',

// op: gt
"title": {
gt: 'hello',

// op: gte
"title": {
gte: 'hello',

// op: lt
"title": {
lt: 'hello',

// op: lte
"title": {
lte: 'hello',

// op: neq
"title": {
neq: 'hello',

// op: contain
"title": {
contain: 'hello',

// op: in
"title": {
in: ['hello', 'world'],

// op: not_in

"title": {
not_in: ['hello', 'world'],

// op: is_null
"title": {
is_null: true,

// op: is_not_null
"title": {
is_not_null: true,

Get Records and Sort

// Get records with sorting
const records2 = await table.records.findMany({
where: {
name: {
eq: "leapcell",
orderBy: {
name: "asc",

Get Records and Pagination

Get records with a limit of 10 and an offset of 0.

const records2 = await table.records.findMany({
where: {
name: {
eq: "issac",
orderBy: {
name: "asc",
offset: 0,
limit: 10,

Update Record By Filter

// Update records
const records = await table.records.updateMany({
where: {
name: {
eq: "issac",
data: {
category: "blog",
console.log("records", records);

Delete Record By Filter

// Delete records
const records = await table.records.deleteMany({
where: {
name: {
neq: "issac",
console.log("records", records);

Bulk Create

// Bulk create
const records = await table.records.createMany([
name: "Alice",
name: "Bob",
console.log("records", records);

By default, the search functionality covers all fields. If you want to specify particular fields, you can use the fields parameter.

Similar to a search engine, Leapcell tokenizes the keywords and performs searches. For instance, when you search for "hello issac," Leapcell will first search for "hello" and then for "issac," merging the results of both searches.

// Search for "hello"
const records = await{
query: "hello",
console.log("records", records);

// Search for "hello" and "jude"
const records = await{
query: "hello jude",
console.log("records", records);

// Search in the "title" field
const records = await{
query: "hello jude",
search_fields: "title",
console.log("records", records);

// Pagination
const records = await{
query: "hello jude",
search_fields: "title",
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
console.log("records", records);

Image Upload

Leapcell supports image uploads. You can upload images to Leapcell and save the image URLs to the table.

Images will be uploaded to the CDN.

const image = await axios.get(
responseType: "arraybuffer",
const imageItem = await table.file.upload(;
console.log("imageItem", imageItem);



// Count all records
const count = await table.records.count();
console.log("count", count);

// Count records where the name is "issac"
const count2 = await table.records.count({
where: {
name: {
eq: "issac",
console.log("count", count2);