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Table Field Reference

Leapcell tables are essentially relational database tables, automatically generated based on collection names and fields.

A single entry in a collection is referred to as a record, equivalent to a row in an SQL table.


Field MeaningField EnumExample ValuesUse CasesDescriptionLimit
Short TextSTR"", "example"Name, Title, SentenceStored as StringAt most 1023 characters
Integer NumberINT0, -1, 1Number, Postal Code, Phone NumberStored as Integerint64
Decimal NumberFLOAT0.0, -1.0, 1.0Price, Latitude/Longitude, CurrencyStored as Floatfloat64
TimeTIME2021-01-01 00:00:00Date, Time, DateTimeDateTime, stored as UNIX timestampunixtime, in seconds
Single SelectLABEL"example"Label, CategoryStored as StringAt most 1023 characters
Multiple SelectLABELS["example1", "example2"]Label List, Category ListStored as Array of StringsA list of strings, each string at most 1023 characters, at most 60 labels in field
Multiple ImageIMAGES["imageId1", "imageId2"]Image ListStored as Array of Strings, where each element is an image ID. CDN prefix can be added to retrieve images.A list of strings, each string at most 1023 characters, at most 60 links in field
Long TextLONGTEXT"", "example"Description, ContentString, stored as a database Long Text fieldLong string, size should be less than 300KB

STR Field

The STR field is used to store strings, suitable for scenarios such as:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Sentences

Supported Operations:

  • eq (equals)
  • neq (not equals)
  • in (in list)
  • not_null (not null)
  • is_null (is null)
  • not_in (not in list)


At most 1023 characters

INT Field

The INT field stores integers without decimal points, suitable for common applications like:

  • Numbers
  • Postal Codes
  • Identifiers

Supported Operations:

  • gt (greater than)
  • gte (greater than or equals)
  • lt (less than)
  • lte (less than or equals)
  • eq (equals)
  • neq (not equals)
  • in (in list)
  • not_null (not null)
  • is_null (is null)
  • not_in (not in list)


Less than 64 bits


The FLOAT field represents floating-point numbers, suitable for applications involving decimal points, such as:

  • Prices
  • Currency

Supported Operations:

  • gt (greater than)
  • gte (greater than or equals)
  • lt (less than)
  • lte (less than or equals)
  • eq (equals)
  • neq (not equals)
  • in (in list)
  • not_null (not null)
  • is_null (is null)
  • not_in (not in list)


Less than 64 bits

TIME Field

The TIME field stores timestamp data in seconds, suitable for storing time-level information in scenarios like:

  • Date
  • Time
  • DateTime

Supported Operations:

  • gt (greater than)
  • gte (greater than or equals)
  • lt (less than)
  • lte (less than or equals)
  • eq (equals)
  • neq (not equals)
  • in (in list)
  • not_null (not null)
  • is_null (is null)
  • not_in (not in list)


The LABEL field stores a single string and is commonly used for enumerable types, such as:

  • Labels
  • Categories

Supported Operations:

  • eq (equals)
  • neq (not equals)
  • in (in list)
  • not_null (not null)
  • is_null (is null)
  • not_in (not in list)


At most 1023 characters


The LABELS field stores a list of strings and is commonly used for enumerable types where a list is needed, such as:

  • Label Lists
  • Category Lists

Supported Operations:

  • is_null (is null)
  • `not

_null` (not null)

  • contain (contains)


  • Each label at most 1023 characters
  • At most 60 labels in the field


The IMAGES field stores a list of strings and is designed to work with file upload functionality. It is often used for managing images, with the images being uploaded to a CDN.

Supported Operations:

  • is_null (is null)
  • not_null (not null)
  • eq (equals)


  • Each image link at most 1023 characters
  • At most 60 links in the field
  • Image size should be less than 3MB


The LONGTEXT field stores a long string and supports more characters than the STR field. However, it consumes more storage. It is commonly used for:

  • Descriptions
  • Content

Supported Operations:

  • eq (equals)
  • neq (not equals)
  • not_null (not null)
  • is_null (is null)


Data should be less than 300KB