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Limitation and Quotas

Leapcell Plan Limits

General Limits

Leapcell App DomainNumber of app domains allowed1050
Deployments Created per DayMaximum deployments created in a day100Unlimited
Auto Deployment Created per DayMaximum auto deployments triggered in a day10600
ProjectsMaximum number of projects supportedUnlimitedUnlimited
Request TimeoutMaximum duration for a single request15 min15 min
Service Per Git RepoNumber of services that can be updated per repository310
Build Time per DeploymentMaximum allowed build time per deployment10 min30 min
Concurrent BuildNumber of builds that can run concurrently13
Log RetentionDuration for retaining deployment logs7 days14 days
Metrics RetentionDuration for retaining service metrics7 days14 days
Rate LimitMaximum API calls allowed per minute10010,000
Image RollbackNumber of container images retained for rollback3 (if retained)20 (if retained)
Image RetentionDuration for retaining container imagesMax 10 images1 month

Service Limits

Async Invoke PayloadMaximum size of asynchronous request payload5 MB5 MB
Max ConcurrencyMaximum concurrent executions supported1001,000
Request Line SizeMaximum size of the HTTP request line16 KB16 KB
Single Header SizeMaximum size of a single HTTP header16 KB16 KB
Entire Response Header SizeMaximum size of the HTTP response headers32 KB32 KB
Entire Request Header SizeMaximum size of the HTTP request headers64 KB64 KB
Request PayloadMaximum size of the HTTP request body5 MB5 MB
Response Payload (Compressed)Maximum size of the compressed HTTP response body5 MB5 MB
File PermissionsFile system access permissions for deployments/tmp/tmp
Image Size CapMaximum size of deployment container images10 GB10 GB
Environment Variables SizeMaximum size for environment variables3 KB3 KB

Domain Limits

Route Created per DomainMaximum number of routes per custom domain1010
Custom DomainMaximum number of custom domains10Unlimited

Redis Limits

Max Commands per SecondMaximum commands Redis can process per second1,0001,000
Max PayloadMaximum size of Redis payload128 KB128 KB
Max Record SizeMaximum size of a single Redis record128 KB128 KB
Max Key SizeMaximum size of a Redis key512 Bytes512 Bytes
Redis Record TTLTime-to-live for Redis records1 month1 month